Sunday, 25 March 2012

The Datum: Animations

Final Model

Textures Used for Final Model

 "Divided" - Applied to the edges of the upper exhibition space floor in order to emphasise the division of walls and materials throughout this piece of the building.

 "Dense" - Applied to the lower level, to emphasise the nature of being underground and surrounded by a dense surface.

"Sharp" - Applied to external pillars to emphasise the nature of the shape and lines.

Stairs Concept 3

Based on the idea of having each step "extending" through the external facade, whilst the rest of the steps remain as floating stairs that extend from the internal face of the angled pillars.

They connect the two different levels of the exhibition space.

 Section view, showing the externally connected facade pieces.
Section view showing the combined stairs

The floating stairs that link the upper workshop space to the exhibition space. They extrude from the rear facade and follow the contour of the wall to emphasise the extension to the upper level.

The concealed stairs that link the main exhibition space to the lower workshop area. They are placed in the corner of the exhibition space and hidden under the other stairs so that when you walk down them, the hollowness of the lower level is emphasised.

Stairs Concept 2

Stairs Concept 1

 "Extension" based concept, perspective view. seems to be very big and bulky

Section plane

Concept Model 3

 Side profile, development stage

 Perspective, development of stairs

Comparing different roof angles, basic shapes

 Wire frame with lower level

Concept Model 2

 Birds eye view, showing the connecting contours

Perspective view, basic form

Model Shape Experimentation

Concept Model 1 Development

36 Custom Textures

18 Sketch Sections [Refined]